The angel with her head upon his shoulder... there have been times that I know my husband must have had an angel right there with them. Fireman has had some close calls. I know his Angel was there.
Many of today's men and women put their lives on the line to help serve protect and give services to the people in the area. Their pays are sometimes null, or very close to none. Their pay is actually that they are serving their fellow man and it is always a good day when their deeds have saved lives or property.
There are days that they do not get to spend time with their own families- whether it be a regular day, a holiday, 3 AM or 6 PM, giving up their nice warm dinners for those that were saved in the microwave for them.
Yes this photo has meaning. Probably more meaning to those fire and EMT personnel that deal with their jobs on a day to day basis. I still wanted to share, because sometimes people just a little reminding.
1 comment:
Beautiful thoughts. Thanks
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