Monday, October 8, 2012

My Memory Suite software transfer

I Finally bit the bullet!  I decided to create more room so that I can start scrapbooking virtually again.  I have a ton of designs that I have saved to the main hard drive, and even though the program itself was rather small, it's all the kits that has eaten it's space.  I ended up deleting off anything that dealt with My Memory Suite Software and re-installing it onto my external hard drive that has a ton of room for all of the kits, photos, etc.  While it was cool to play with before, I am super excited to get back into the swing of my creations.  I love to play around and make wonderful pages.  The best part of digital Scrapbooking?  Not having to find all the parts and piecings, the paper, the embellishments, and you don't have a ton of actual scrap that ends up all over the place.  I can scrap while the kids play, the husband watches something I am not really into, and whenever I get busy, I can hit save, save it- and then come back to it.  Whenever.I.want.  ! Also, I am not spending money on 1 sheet of paper that I love and then use it only to wish I had it back again.  Once I download the kit with the paper in it, it's mine to use 20 million times.

Well back to "the move".  I was DREADING it.  I have been sitting here wishing I had done it.  But I never found the balls enough to try it.   That is, until last night.  I ended up pulling up add/remove programs on my windows XP dinosaur computer and spending some time deleting kits, and eventually the MMS program itself.  Worried?  Nah, as My Memories software keeps track of all my downloads, whether it be free or paid for!  They also kept track of my key code to register my product!  Now, I don't know about you, but I thought that was awful nice of them to do that for us!

After the uninstalls, I ended up re-downloading the MMS program.  Oh and that's on my H: drive that I was able to change while setup was actually happening.  So now I am going in and downloading all of the kits I had before, then moving them over to the H: drive to be downloaded.  PITA?  Yeah, sure, but I will get to actually start scrapbooking in the next day or so.  Ha!  Like I really have time for it?  I will make the time because it is something I actually enjoy and need to do for me.  I also like the idea of creating video out of the pages I create so that I have less clutter in the house for cleanup!  If my scrapbooking supplies were not in high demand for projects going on throughout the school year they would be GONE!

So for now, I have copied all of the files that I need to download to get me back up and running.  Oh and I'll be checking out the new freebies that I can get too.  I am planning on getting more freebies posted on this page to show you what you can do with it as well.  If you look at my sidebar, you will see the link if you want to check it out!

Well, here's for the best!  But considering that it's MMS software, I am 100% sure everything will re-install like a breeze!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I guess the world is bigger than we realize!

Taking care of the house, and the kids.  Ball Practices. Homework. School.  It is not opening up my reality of the world until we are traveling for softball.  Still then it's hard for me to realize how big this world is. 

It's also difficult for me to see the goodness in peoples hearts sometimes.  After all, I am a stay at home mom for many reasons.  And, often times you really don't realize what someone is going through until that turmoil hits you smack in the face with a 2x4.  Yes, sometimes it takes that smack with the 2x4 to get you to realize that everyone has things that they are going through.  Some people are cruel and do things to be deceitful.  They do things because they have so much going on within their lives that they don't want to deal with and it's easier to take that 2x4 to someone else and leave the unseen bruising and scars that hurt deep into the soul, whether they realize it or not.  That 2x4 may not look like a piece of wood as it comes in many forms.  Through words, thoughts, actions.  Simple words- words that can hurt deep into the soul and deep down into every hair follicle.  Every action from every single person has repercussions, whether it be good or bad; and it depends on so many different situations.  What's good for one, may turn out to be bad for one or many.

But today I don't want to dwell on the above statements. 

It's time to look for the good in our lives.  It's time to start living and before speaking realize that something else may be effecting others and that things not need to be said when the thoughts occur.  Sometimes it's better to step away from what you have to say.  On the other hand if something is said, maybe we need to look at it- take what we can use and leave the rest.

Recently, my son was given an assignment.  He had to bring in ONE postcard but that if it were more than one then all the better.  I facebooked the assignment for Steven.  Currently he has taken TWENTY TWO cards into his classroom to hang up and share with his friends.  And I am being told that there are others who have brought in well over Steven's 22 cards.  People have heard and seen that he needed the cards and are very proud of where they live and very happy to help him out.  And with every day that goes by he is climbing into the van at the end of the school day and asking if he received another card.  And his face lights up every time I have news of another arrival or an update that one is coming and from where.  To Steven, this assignment has taught him that the world is huge and full of life.  To me, it has shown that there are wonderful people out there who want to help him.

My son lives and deals with the Asperger Syndrome, in which he has had to deal with others picking on him in one form or another.  He now attends a school who knows how to deal with his special abilities and can foster a better learning environment rather than just teaching him how harsh this world can be.  I am grateful. 

Tears.  Yes real tears fall.  It's amazing of all of the wonderful friends I have found either surrounding me or through facebook.  It's such a wonderful feeling with all of the cards coming in that people care for Steven and this assignment.  And it's a wonderful feeling to have friends- some who have a great deal on their mind- take time out of their day to actually stop and take time to send him a postcard. 

As I try to work through my feelings, it's also an eye opener to myself as well.  That wonderful things happen just with communication.  GOOD communication.  So before opening up a can of worms that you may not realize that you are opening, please think before speaking because sometimes someone just cannot handle another stone being thrown their way. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Another October first.

It's almost 8 AM.  Time for the morning jaunt over to drop Steven over at school.  The air is crisp, the frost laying on the grass, rooftops, trees, and plants begins to lift creating a mediocre fog randomly throughout the air.  Breathe in.  Feel the coolness in the air.  Dread getting into the cold van, getting it warmed, and attempting to wipe the dew off the windows.  It's not really cold, but enough to feel the chill- with or without the coat.

While the sun is starting to rise; looking out towards the west there is an opalescent sign that the full moon is getting ready to  rest after lighting up the night sky.  It has done it's job.  It has lit the night skies for farmers to harvest.  Light oh so very light clouds streaming fills the sky, while the lifting fog sits in the low areas in the area.  The sunrise starts to take over more, and you see the sunlight hit the tops of the trees.  The trees that once held beautiful dark green leaves has now taken on different hues of color.  Blazing reds, burnt oranges, golden yellows, fading greens.  The falling leaves are a little crispier.  Ah... Change is in the air.

All of the sudden there is an urge to smell the fall changes.  Bonfires.  Apple Cider.  Burning leaves. Some of my most favorite aromas.  Time to light the tarts and candles. 

It's also a time that smacks you right in the face.

Change.  Mother Nature is gradually changing the look of the area.  Some areas more than others, but this is a beautiful change here in my part of Ohio.  It's also a sign that we are all changing, earth included.

Change can be beautiful.  Or it can royally suck.  At least when the seasons change you know that the change is coming.  Or there can be the unexpected change that is life altering and leave you like the wood and leaves that are burning.  It all depends on how you look at it.

Positive thoughts or negative thoughts.  How you look at things.  It's all up to you.  You can make apple cider from the harvest, or you can let it rot.  It's time to start into the process of change... sometimes without even realizing it's time to, or you can plan it.  Either way, like the changing seasons I think that you always have to review and see what needs changed.   Change is a force in life; we need to with it like we tend to the changing seasons. 

It's October 1st.  What changes need to be started?  And what can I start changing for the better for myself?

Change can be hard, but with determination it can be done.  Sometimes you need to allow yourself time to do so.