As part of, I was asked to preview and test these sandwich thins for the company.
I know I am posting this late, but due to my pregnancy, my work, my kids, and life in general I did not get them in really quick! My package came in really close to the day of the party and too boot we were snowed in and could not make it to the store until the next day, so we ended up with not many people, but I am still handing out the information and the goodies for people to try. Even so, we did attempt to hold the party.
With the party pack, there were coupons to purchase the breads, coupons & shopping bags for those who came to the party and hand out for those in attendance. I also received the plate in front of the packages in the above photo to make the sandwiches on. I also had recipes to share- both from the company and on my own.
I asked the participants to bring a pound of their favorite deli meat, 1/2 pound of cheese. We had 3 different 1 pound packs of cheese, 3 different deli meats; roast beef, chipped Turkey Breast, and Chipped Chop Ham. We also had all the fixings; ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, pickles, onion, relish, mayo, sliced peppers. I also had in store to show how the kids can make after school snacks on their own by supplying the supplies to create mini pizza's on their own.
I really liked how the bread is thin and round, as I am not particularly a bread eater. I also liked that it was only 100 calories. I don't think I would like to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with it, however on my next purchase I will attempt it! My husband ended up taking a sandwich to work with this bread and many of the employees made comments about the "round" bread! He really liked it and I feel better knowing he is eating more healthy...
As to the mini pizza's; the kids had a ball making them..
We purchased pizza sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and of course the bread. They did not need a knife for slicing with it already sliced. They were able to make some cheese only, pepperoni, and I also found a can of mushrooms my 10 year old added to hers. After dressing each side of bread, they microwaved 4 halves of bread in the oven for 1 minute's time. After letting them cool they dug in!
I think all of the kids made at least 1/2 of a "loaf" of bread of just pizzas. I am not quite sure if they enjoyed making them or eating them more. We did attempt pizzas out of the Honey Wheat, and they did not care for them, but honestly they have never ate any type of wheat bread before and used to the white bread. I am happy that they made these in the white also.
All in all, I will get these again. We are going into spring break and I love this idea for them to make their own lunches at home, so tomorrow we are planning a trip to the store to get more for them to enjoy. Oh and Fireman has been asking for more also! I found that these sandwiches are really good after you get the deli meat on them and before adding your condiments to microwave them and then dress as you want; plus I am following doc's orders as they do not want you eating deli meats cold when pregnant!